My beloved niece celebrated her 14th birthday with chaotic glee. Her cousins from Georgia visited during their theme park road trip to Florida for their summer break. All of her cousins look up to her for the latest trends and whereabouts of Justin Bieber.

What would a fourteen year old want for her birthday? Do it yourself Ceramic Pottery...The cousins had a blast making a mess for a small fee.

It has been a while since the cousins visited from Georgia. It was a welcome surprise for Olivia and the entire family.

I really do not know what the kids were painting or what their artistic projects will be used for. The important thing is the kids are together having fun and spending time with each other.

The ceramic pottery may look vaguely familiar to my PhotoBlog followers. In my Canon EOS Rebel T2i Verdict, I featured another ceramic pottery establishment with a T2i Video Test.

I featured the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV with the Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L prime lens at Pottery Patch in Valrico, FL.
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